Friday, May 27, 2011

Is-Saċerdot Novell ~ Krystof Buttigieg

Krystof Buttigieg, mill-Qala Għawdex, twieled nhar is-26 ta Lulju 1986, iben Sammy u Frances nee Muscat. Fil-familja jiltaqgħu hu u oħtu Marouska, iżgħar minnu. Krystof beda l-edukazzjoni tiegħu fil-kindergarten u mbagħad fl-Iskola Primarja tal-Qala, bejn is-snin 1991 u 1997. Wara kompla l-istudji tiegħu fl-iskola sekondarja tas-Seminarju Minuri tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù u mbagħad s-sixth form. Fl-istess żmien huwa kien jattendi wkoll il-preseminarju flimkien ma’ żgħażagħ oħra li kienu jfittxu aktar dwar is-sejħa tagħhom mill-Mulej. Hu kien jgħin u jattendi f’diversi għaqdiet tal-parroċċa, l-ewwelnett tal-abbatini u l-vokazzjonijiet, il-MUSEUM, Radju Leħen il-Qala, il-Kor Magnificat, l-Għaqda Mużikali Ite ad Joseph, l-Għaqda Briju San Ġużepp, l-Għaqda Menhir Qala Folk Group, u ta’ kull sena jgħin ukoll f’diversi attivitajiet marbuta mal-palk u d-drammi fl-istess parroċċa tal-Qala.

F'Settembru tal-2004, Krystof beda l-formazzjoni tiegħu għas-saċerdozju fis-Seminarju Maġġuri tal-Qalb ta' Ġesù u bejn is-snin 2007 u 2008, huwa għamel l-esperjenza tas-sena intermedjarja ġewwa Ruma, fil-parroċċa ta’ Sant’Injazju t’Antijokja. Lura minn din is-sena huwa kompla l-formazzjoni tiegħu fis-Seminarju hekk li fi Frar tal-2009, irċieva l-ministeru tal-Lettorat u f'Diċembru tal-istess sena rċieva l-ministeru tal-Akkolitat. Huwa ġie ordnat Djaknu minn idejn Mons. Isqof Mario Grech, nhar il-Ħadd 20 ta' Ġunju, fil-Katidral tal-Assunta f’Għawdex, u sejjer jirċievi l-Ordni tal-Presbiterat nhar is-Sibt, 28 ta’ Mejju 2011.

Bullettin 29-May-2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ad Multos Annos Dun Karm Xerri

Dun Karm Xerri


Dun Karm Xerri, bin Wenzu u Angela nee’ Scicluna, hu Mons. Lawrenz Xerri u Kelina Xerri (li mietet b’fama ta’ qdusija) twieled il-Furjana f’Malta fit-2 ta’ Novembru 1932. Huwa gie mghammed fl-istess gurnata fil-Knisja ta’ San Publiju l-Furjana. Ghadda l-ewwel snin tat-tfulija tieghu f’Hal Tarxien u f’Rahal il-Gdid, f’Malta. Huwa rcieva s-sagramenti tal-Ewwel Tqarbina u tal-Konfirmazzjoni fil-parrocca tal-Qala.

Huwa dahal is-Seminarju ta’ Ghawdex fl-1947 u gie ordnat Sacerdot fit-18 ta’ Marzu 1961, proprju hamsin sena ilu mill-Isqof Guzeppi Pace. Huwa qaddes l-ewwel quddiesa sollenni tieghu fil-Knisja Parrokkjali tal-Qala fil-5 ta’ Mejju 1961. Beda l-hidma sacerdotali bhala Vigarju Parrokkjali tal-Qala (Vici-Parroku) mill-1961 sal-1963. Huwa lahaq Rettur jew ahjar ‘Kappillan’ ta’ Kemmuna fl-1963 u ilu iwettaq din l-hidma bl-ikbar dedikazzjoni u hegga ghal dan l-ahhar 48 sena. Bejn 1963 u fl-1970 huwa kien ukoll Surmast tal-Iskola Primarja ta’ Kemmuna. Fl-1980 huwa lahaq Assistent Ekklezjastiku tal-Azzjoni Kattolika fil-Qala u ghadu b’din il-hidma sal-gurnata tal-lum. Ilu jiehu hsieb il-funerali tal-Parrocca bhala Organizzatur tal-Funerali sa’ mill-1990.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lehen il-Qala - Ghid 2011

Lehen il-Qala - April 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

Il-Prim Ministru Dr Lawrence Gonzi fi zjara ufficcjali fil-Qala

Nhar is-17 t'April 2011, Hadd il-Palm, il-Prim Ministru ghamel vista ufficcjali gewwa l-Qala. Wara li assista ghal koncelebrazzjoni ta' Hadd il-Palm gewwa l-Knisja Arcipretali, huwa zar l-istudjows ta' Radju Lehen il-Qala, l-Qasam tal-Muzew tas-Subien, l-Kazin tal-Ghaqda Muzikali 'Ite ad Joseph' u d-diversi hwienet ta' madwar il-Pjazza.

Press Release: Bishop of Gozo Mgr. Mario Grech interviewed on Radio Lehen il-Qala on Divorce

On Sunday 17th April – Palm Sunday – Radio Lehen il-Qala had the honour and the privilege of welcoming at his studios Mgr. Mario Grech, Bishop of Gozo, for an interview which took over one hour on the issue of divorce. The questions were put to him by five persons and were led by the local Archpriest.

Mgr. Grech was welcomed by the Coordinator of the Qala Community Radio Station Mr. Ivan Cefai and the Archpriest Rev. Dr. Joseph Zammit. The questions made to Bishop Grech were without doubt of great interest to the people of Malta and Gozo, who within forty days time will be called to cast their vote in a consultative referendum which will determine whether divorce will be legalized or not in our Country.

Bishop Grech made it very clear that during this interview he will put aside his Episcopal hat and put on the hat of a normal responsible civilian who will be talking objectively for both the Catholics and then on Catholics, and will try to present the many negative effects that divorce will cause on the couple involved, its extended family and the whole of society. He explained also the effect of the divorce mentality on the Country.

After Radio Lehen il-Qala, other radios from Gozo communities will be invited to broadcast this very important interview of Bishop Grech. We feel sure that the responsible, straight, clear and logic answers given by Mgr. Grech will help listeners in forming their conscience on good solid and moral ground.


Nhar il-Ħadd 17 t’April – Ħadd il-Palm – Radju Leħen il-Qala kellu l-unur u s-sodisfazzjon li jilqa’ fl-Istudjows tiegħu lil Monsinjur Mario Grech, Isqof t’Għawdex fejn għal aktar minn siegħa aċċetta li numru ta’ persuni mill-istess Raħal tal-Qala jintervistawh dwar l-issue attwali tad-Divorzju.

Mons. Grech kien milqugħ mill-Kordinatur tar-Radju s-Sur Ivan Cefai flimkien mal-Arċipriet tal-Parroċċa r-Rev. Dr. Joe Zammit. Ma’ dawn is-Sinjuri kien hemm ohrajn li ngħaqdu magħhom u flimkien ippreżentaw set ta’ domandi mportanti li bla dubju huma ta’ interess kbir għall-Poplu Malti u Għawdxi, li erbgħin ġurnata oħra huma mitluba biex b’responsabbilta’ jagħtu l-vot tagħhom waqt Referendum. Dan ir-Referendum mistenni juri x’inhi x-xewqa tal-Poplu tagħna, fir-rigward dwar jekk id-Divorzju għandux jiġi llegalizzat f’Malta tagħna jew le.

Mons. Isqof għamilha ċara li waqt din l-intervista hu mhux ser jitkellem bħala Ragħaj tal-Knisja Kattolika responsabbli mid-Djoċesi ta’Għawdex, kif fil-fatt hu, imma aktar minn hekk huwa ser jargumenta aktar bħala Ċittadin responsabbli u serju, dwar x’inhuma dawk l-effetti li d-divorzju jgib fuq il-koppja nvoluta, l-familjari tagħha u fuq is-Soċjeta’ intiera kif ukoll l-effett tal-mentalita’ divorzista la darba jidhol f’pajjiżna.

Wara li nstemgħet fuq Radju Leħen il-Qala, din l-intervista huwa mistenni li ser tixxandar ukoll fuq ir-Radjijiet tal-Kommunita’ li d-Djoċesi t’Għawdex għandha mxerrdin mad-diversi Parroċċi tagħha. Inħeġġu lill-Għawdxin biex ma jitilfux din l-opportunita’ li jisimgħu l-argumenti loġiċi u naturalment anke morali ta’ Mons. Isqof Grech li żġur huma utli ħafna għall-formazzjoni tal-Kuxjenza tal-Individwu.

Quick view on January-April 2011

It's been quite a while since we've updated you with what is going on behind the scenes of Radju Lehen il-Qala. So here's a quick roundup.

For the second consecutive year, RLQ held its evaluation seminar. This year it was spread upon two days and
was held on the 10th and 13th of February. This seminar is used by the administration to plan the main activities for 2011 and take some important decisions for the running of Radju Lehen il-Qala.

In the beginning of February, the new jingles that were produced by Philip Vella were handed to RLQ and then officially launched for this Easter Schedule. Ruth Portelli provided the vocals for the jingles.

Then, the administration worked on preparing, publishing and airing the Easter Schedule 2011. Even though this is one of the shortest schedules, however, it is accurate to say that it is one of the
hardest to prepare if not the hardest. One of the highlights of this schedule is the discussion programme on the divorce issue with Mons. Mario Grech, Bishop of Gozo. This 90minute programme aired for the first time on Sunday, 17th April 2011, will then be distributed to community radio stations in Malta and Gozo.

To conclude, here is a list of the main projects that are in the pipeline: the launching of a new website for RLQ, the preparations and activities related to mark of RLQ's 15th anniversary, the 2011 Festa Schedule, improvements in the video streaming and the buying of some studio and broadcasting equipment.

As one can note, the above projects will take a while to complete. First of all they require a lot of energy from the administration itself, RLQ's technicians and those who will be working voluntarily on them and also, most of them involve the spending of quite huge sums of money. As usual, we rely on your generosity.

Finally, the administration of RLQ thanks you all for the support that you have shown and your continued generosity.

Ivan Cefai and Philip Vella, the producer of the new RLQ jingles.

During the Evaluation Seminar.

Mill-Kcina ta' Gannina - Prog2

For another time, Joanna Mifsud was kind enough to provide us with the recipes from her second programme Mill-Kcina ta' Gannina. We encourage you to check them out and try them. Both the Maltese and English version of the same recipes are provided below.

Mill-Kcina Ta' Gannina - Prog2 - Maltese Version

Mill-Kcina Ta' Gannina - Prog2 - English Version

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Gozo International Celebration - Easter 2011 edition

Last Sunday, 10th April 2011, the Qala Parish Church held the 17th edition of the Gozo International Celebration marking the theme Can We Do Without God?

Those present assisted for performances by the University Junior College Orchestra, the Joseph Youth Band, Pianist Matthew Tabone, the Magnificat Choir, Tenor Joseph Buttigieg, Soprano Patricia Buttigieg and Roxana Xuereb. Gozitan artist, Manuel Farrugia also participated in this GIC edition. The evening was broadcasted live on

Monday, April 11, 2011

Mill-Kcina ta' Gannina - Prog1

Joanna Mifsud is the latest presenter to join the equipe of Radju Lehen il-Qala. She is producing and presenting a new recipe programme, Mill-Kcina ta' Gannina, which airs every Saturday at 1.15pm with its repetition airing every Monday at 10.30pm.

Following the first programme, here are the recipes that Joanna mentions. Underneath there are two versions of the same recipes, a Maltese and English version. We encourage you to try them out and post us your feedback.

Bon Appétit

Mill-Kcina Ta' Gannina - Prog1- Maltese Version

Mill-Kcina Ta' Gannina - Prog1 - English Version

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Easter Schedule 2011

It is the time of the year where Radju Lehen il-Qala airs a special schedule for the Easter celebrations. This schedule sees the launching of the brand new jingles for RLQ, produced by Philip Vella with Ruth Portelli providing the vocals.

Radju Lehen il-Qala - jingle by rlq1063

This is yet another schedule for RLQ while celebrating its 15th year from the first ever radio transmission. For the first time, English programs are to be aired between 1am and 5am (local time) for the benefit of our dear emigrants. As usual, the commentary and live audio and video streaming of the various functions from the Qala Parish Church will be aired.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank all those involved, in some way or another, for the running of RLQ.

RLQ: Skeda Ghid 2011

Bullettin 10-Apr-2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Skeda Specjali 12-Frar-2011 (minn 12PM 'il quddiem)

Il-Parrocca tal-Qala trodd hajr lil Alla ghal-hajja u s-sacerdozju ta' Dun Ang Buttigieg, wiehed fost uliedha. Dun Ang tul is-snin hadem bis-shih ghal-gid spiritwali u materjali tal-poplu t'Alla.

Ghalhekk, Radju Lehen il-Qala pprepara skeda specjali f'dan il-jum ta' luttu fil-Qala. Minn nofsinhar 'il quddiem (hin lokali) segwu kollox ghal intervisti u kummentarju dirett tac-celebrazzjonijiet kollha. Skeda dettaljata u links jinsabu hawn taht.

12:00pm Angelus
12:02pm Ixtri Gurnata
12:13pm Hsieb tal-Jum
12:15pm Sirt Nafek Ahjar: intervista' ma' Dun Ang Buttigieg - Ivan Cefai (arkivji RLQ)
01:15pm Id-Dmirijiet Lejn is-Sacerdot - Ecc Mons Isqof Cauchi (arkivji Lehen il-Qala)
01:30pm L-Altruizmu: Imhabba Lejn Ghajrna - Josette Buttigieg (arkivji Lehen il-Qala)
01:45pm Tislima lil Dun Ang - Ivan Cefai ma' panel ta' mistednin (possibilita' ta' kuntatt mal-istudjows +356 21558556 | 50612222 |
02:15pm Recita tal-Via Sagra mmexxija minn Dun Ang (arkivji RLQ)
02:45pm Recita tar-Ruzarju Imqaddes mmexxi minn Dun Ang (arkivji RLQ)

Bejn 12:00PM u 03:15PM segwu kollox permezz tal-webcasting fuq:
  • (paste this link in the address bar)
  • >> choose Version Maltese/English >> Listen to Radio
  • >> Radio jukebox >> Radju Lehen il-Qala

03:15pm Kollegamenti diretti waqt il-Korteo Funebri mill-Isptar Generali sa Pjazza S.Guzepp

Bejn it-03:15PM u l-04:00PM segwu kollox permezz tal-webcasting u video streaming tal-camera mill-Pjazza
  • (paste this link in the address bar >> username and password: guest)

04:00pm Koncelebrazzjoni Funebri mmexxija minn Mons Isqof Mario Grech
Bejn l-04:00PM u l-05:15PM segwu kollox permezz tal-webcasting u l-video streaming tal-camera min gewwa l-Knisja Arcipretali

05:15pm Kummentarju tal-Korteo Funebri lejn ic-cimiterju
Bejn it-05:15PM u l-05:30PM segwu kollox permezz tal-webcasting u video streaming tal-camera mill-Pjazza
  • (paste this link in the address bar >> username and password: guest)
05:30pm Recita tar-Ruzarju Imqaddes mmexxi minn Dun Ang (arkivji RLQ)
06:00pm Quddiesa mill-Knisja Arcipretali (
07:00pm tkompli l-iskeda

Komplu segwu kollox permezz tal-webcasting. Ghal beneficcju tal-emigranti, b'mod specjali, repetizzjoni ta' dak kollu li xxandar bejn 12:00PM u l-05:30PM issir matul il-lejl tas-Sibt, 12 ta' Frar u l-Hadd 13 ta' Frar (hin lokali).

Mulej aghtih, il-mistrieh ta' dejjem ...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Tislima lil Dun Ang Buttigieg

Il-komunita' parrokkjali tal-Qala taghti l-ahhar tislima lis-Sacerdot Dun Ang Buttigieg, wiehed fost uliedha li tant hadem ghal gid spiritwali u materjali tal-parruccani, li halliena nhar l-Erbgha 9 ta' Frar 2011 fit-8:10pm fl-Isptar Generali ta' Ghawdex.

Il-funeral se jsir nhar is-Sibt 12 ta' Frar 2011, b'korteo li jitlaq mill-Isptar Generali sa Pjazza Isqof M.F.Buttigieg fit-3:15pm. Il-korteo funebri jkompli mill-Pjazza Isqof ...M.F.Buttigieg sa Pjazza San Guzepp bis-sehem tal-Banda Ite Ad Joseph. Il-quddiesa funebri tibda fl-4:00pm fil-Knisja Arcipretali tal-Qala, ikkoncelebrata mill-Isqof t'Ghawdex Mons Mario Grech bis-sehem tal-kleru u parruccani Qalin.

Radju Lehen il-Qala pprepara skeda specjali f'dan il-jum ta' luttu fil-Qala minn nofsinhar 'il quddiem b'intervisti u kummentarju dirett tac-celebrazzjonijiet kollha. Segwu kollox fuq 106.3FM jew webcasting fuq b'servizz ukoll ta' video streaming b'cameras fil-Pjazza San Guzepp u minn gewwa l-Knisja Arcipretali.

Skeda Specjali 12-Frar-2011

12:00pm Angelus
12:02pm Ixtri Gurnata
12:13pm Hsieb tal-Jum
12:15pm Sirt Nafek Ahjar: intervista' ma' Dun Ang Buttigieg - Ivan Cefai (arkivji RLQ)
01:15pm Id-Dmirijiet Lejn is-Sacerdot - Ecc Mons Isqof Cauchi (arkivji Lehen il-Qala)
01:30pm L-Altruizmu: Imhabba Lejn Ghajrna - Josette Buttigieg (arkivji Lehen il-Qala)
01:45pm Tislima lil Dun Ang - Ivan Cefai ma' panel ta' mistednin (possibilita' ta' kuntatt mal-istudjows +356 21558556 | 50612222 |
02:15pm Recita tal-Via Sagra mmexxija minn Dun Ang (arkivji RLQ)
02:45pm Recita tar-Ruzarju Imqaddes mmexxi minn Dun Ang (arkivji RLQ)
03:15pm Kollegamenti diretti waqt il-Korteo Funebri mill-Isptar Generali sa Pjazza S.Guzepp
04:00pm Koncelebrazzjoni Funebri mmexxija minn Mons Isqof Mario Grech
05:15pm Kummentarju tal-Korteo Funebri lejn ic-cimiterju
05:30pm Recita tar-Ruzarju Imqaddes mmexxi minn Dun Ang (arkivji RLQ)
06:00pm Quddiesa mill-Knisja Arcipretali
07:00pm tkompli l-iskeda

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Termination of Video Streaming from Qala Parish Church

We are sorry to inform you that today was the last day of the live video transmissions from the Qala Parish Church. These were only trial transmissions for the Christmas period. We will be shortly working on the possibility of making these transmissions permanent. All of this depends on the type of cameras that are to be bought and the budget that we will be allocating for such project.

Whilst we apologize for any inconvenience, please note that the live video streaming of the Qala Parish Square will not be effected.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The end ... but it's only the beginning

Today marks the end of the Conception Feast and Christmas Schedule 2010 but it is only the beginning of a hopefully fantastic year for Radju Leħen il-Qala. 2011 celebrates the 15th year since the first radio transmission of Radju Leħen il-Qala was broadcasted back on the 25th of July 1996.

Looking back all those years ago, RLQ has definitely improved thanks to all those who left their mark throughout these years and we all look ahead excitedly for the new year. We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all once again all the best for the New Year and thank all the crew members, technicians, helpers, benefactors, sponsors, emigrants and listeners for all the work and support throughout the Conception and Christmas schedule and throughout the whole of 2010.

Bullettin 02-Jan-2011